Sunday, 28 January 2018

How You Can Accelerate Learning through Mobile Chat Applications

Mobile Chat applications are redefining the entire concept of learning

Content of the article

  • The realization of wisdom
  • Pinpointed strategies to holistically integrate technology into learning modules
  • The future of mobile chat in education industry
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Concluding remarks - The future as we see it today
  • The realization of wisdom

    Gone are the days of traditionally defined set of educational system. Today institutions - big or small - are learning to adapt with changes and readily integrating newer technologies in order to keep up with the pace of time. It is a good sign that institutions are pondering over newer technologies to technically well-equip tomorrow's decision makers today. They are not hesitating to break away from the traditional barriers of communication and using newer ways to bring interactivity into education. The results are outstanding. They can easily channelize their work productivity, streamline their educational system, and most importantly define articulated set of modules that build strong characters in students.

    Pinpointed strategies to holistically integrate technology into learning modules

    Mobile chat applications are being integrated into interactive learning process. Here are some case examples:

    A faculty from a distant part of the world who happens to be a subject matter expert is training students located in a remote area, using chat application.

    A group of alumni of an educational institution is forming growing communities to cherish memories, keeping themselves updated with new learning modules.

    The above are just some of the case examples how educational institutions and people whose lives they touch can benefit using mobile chat applications. The usage is not restricted within these. The ability of the chat applications to keep users informed in real-time, their ability to send and receive multimedia messages, making groups, integrating multi channel communication are all redefining what we call interactive communication.

    The future of mobile chat in education industry

    The way technology is progressing, it can be easily concluded that the future of mobile applications is bright. The tomorrow's chat application would integrate even better way of communicating with stakeholders. Dedicated education-based channels, integration of education-oriented bots, integration of machine learning and AI will enhance the overall mode of communication and thus streamline and improve its overall process making students better equipped with newer learning.

    Challenges and opportunities

    Adaptability with change although taking place is not as expected. There are still a lot of educational institutions who are yet to jump into the digital wave. The entire scope of informed education depends on its effectiveness, and it can be useful only when teachers know what they teach.

    The use of chat applications and their usefulness should be vitally taught to the trainers before they pass on the information. However, with smart phones making way into everyday life, teachers and students are already getting familiarizing with its scope and integrating it with education is thus not a very tough task when proper courses are designed

    Concluding remarks - The future as we see it today

    The future is bright and more interactive than today. Mobile Chat applications with enhanced variety of features are expected to redefine the entire scope of communication.

    Monday, 22 January 2018

    The Growing Importance of Security around Mobile Chat Apps

    The growing need for adding security around mobile chat applications has become very important. With a large number of people using mobile chat applications, it becomes very important that chat applications are developed using useful security practices for better resistance to vulnerability. Please find below some of the useful things you need to know about the importance of security around mobile chat devices.

    Free mobile chat messaging apps or premium ones

    Each one have their own features and set of advantages; but when it comes to leveraging on their true benefits, they only work when they can offer their customers truly vital set of security benefits.

    A growing number of people are using mobile chat applications for a variety of useful tasks, including chatting, sending attachments, taking and sending pictures and videos. In other words, mobile chat applications are redefining the entire concept of communication by making interactive communication unified. However, these applications stand truly useful when they meet the evolving security features and are holistically designed taking into account the standalone requirements of audiences.

    Mobile chat applications are at the verge of security risks and chat applications are always at risk of attack. The entire process of developing chat applications by developers has become very tough when security matters are considered. In order to develop state of the art and holistic chat applications. Developers should focus on advanced end to end encryption methods, they should use parental and other features for in-built protection, and they should integrate state of the art security system so that users can effectively carry out a conversation effortlessly.

    So, when it comes to channelizing the entire effort of security in a mobile chat application, you need to use only those applications that can answer the challenges of today's market. The entire process of channelizing marketing efforts and developing world class mobile chat applications, you need to be defined about your need and use those applications that cater to your standalone need.

    Use BirdsBeep - a fully secured, encrypted messaging platform to carry out conversation securely, easily!

    Sunday, 14 January 2018

    Top Features of Chat Apps, People Use Frequently

    At their most basic level, a chat application is after all used to interact with another person or a group of people. However, modern messaging platforms have made the entire process of delivering and receiving messages not just simple and effective; but effortlessly awesome! They are changing how people communicate. Modern messaging applications have new features that fundamentally alter the context and channel of communication.

    There are a lot of mobile chat applications being used today. The most popular ones have some common features; only the scale changes.

    The common traits of these applications include complete media channel solutions, improved and intelligent use of rich media, real-time and highly effective communication modules using interactivity. Please find below the hot trends of mobile chat applications and how businesses are leveraging on their potentiality to reach out to newer audience.

    Use of emoji’s

    Communication process has met with considerable changes in chat applications and with the use of emoji’s and communication stickers literally available with all the popular chat applications and others, the entire process of managing smart and effective communication has been made simpler.

    People react to emoji’s and stickers quickly making them a true addition in a chat application for developing increased audience engagement.


    While this can be the most basic aspect, developers are considering this option eminent and they are focusing on it better than before. With updates regularly being rolled out, an application is kept updated and according to the requirement of changing times.

    Voice and text chat

    The ability to send and receive pictures, sharing music with others, hiding/showing chat conversation, the ability to send random gifts, managing profiles, contacting contacts in real-time using a plethora of communication channels such as wave and nudge, inviting others using social media, contact synchronization, scheduling of messages, encrypting of messages etc. features make chat application secure and popular.

    Other than these, the use of facial recognition, provision of making an interactive group communication, ability to play a host of media, simplifying the real-time status of users are some if the top trend that are redefining the entire scope of communication.

    The crux of the matter is that with changing times, the need for developing time-specific chat applications are growing and chat applications are using newer technologies and engagement-accelerating tools to retain their audience

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